[Owncloud] Problem with import calender

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Thu Dec 26 13:33:05 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I currently using davical and wanted to give owncloud a try.
What is important to me that I can get all my data from davical into
owncloud (calendars and contacts).

I tried now to import my ical file (size around 493kb) but it does not
In apache I get:
[Thu Dec 26 14:08:23 2013] [error] [client ::1] PHP Fatal error:  Call
to a member function __get() on a non-object in
/usr/local/www/owncloud/apps/calendar/lib/import.php on line 361,
referer: https://mydomain/index.php/apps/files

In the owncloud log I see:
{"app":"vobject","message":"Invalid VObject, line 14995 did not follow
the icalendar\/vcard format","level":3,"time":"2013-12-26T13:08:23+00:00"}
{"app":"PHP","message":"Call to a member function __get() on a
non-object at

I searched in the bugtracker list and found:

That seems to be exactly my problem, but it seems to be closed but not

What can I do to get the entries imported?

Can I provide with more information or anything else?
(i can provide the file to a developer if it is only used to debug this
and it will be deleted after this)

Thanks a lot.


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