[Owncloud] 5.0.14 community repository?

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Thu Dec 19 10:03:49 UTC 2013

On 19.12.2013 10:54, Jakub Moscicki wrote:


> I have a server running 5.0.13 community edition and I want to  yum update to version 5.0.14
> However this seems impossible because isv:ownCloud:community.repo has now only the 6.0.0 version. For the moment I prefer to stay with the owncloud 5 line.
> How can I update from 5.0.13 to 5.0.14 via the community repos? Is there a specific repo for that?

Yes. The idea is like this:

The repository isv:ownCloud:community is a kind of meta repo. It will 
always point to the latest stable community release which is 6.0.0a at 
the moment.

In addition to that, there are "major release repos" currenlty called 
isv:ownCloud:community:5.0 and isv:ownCloud:community:6.0. They are the 
"real" ones and contain the latest versions of the main releases. 
isv:ownCloud:community is a link to isv:ownCloud:community:6.0

So if you want to stay with ownCloud 5 for the moment, you just need to 
switch your repo to isv:ownCloud:community:5.0 For that, just fix the 
url in your package managers config files.



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