[Owncloud] Routing and User creation

Clay, Stephen sclay at ufl.edu
Thu Sep 20 19:33:13 UTC 2012

I'm an OC newbie trying to create an app to provide Shibboleth authentication. The basic model is to have the HTTPd require authentication to access a directory, then have an index.php file therein that boots up the system, pulls user data from $_SERVER attributes, and logs in the user.

I have in /apps/my_plugin/protected/index.php:

set_include_path(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
$RUNTIME_NOAPPS = TRUE; //no apps, yet
require_once 'lib/base.php';

This successfully handles the request, but doesn't output anything (which is fine for now).


1. Does OC have a URL routing system I can hook into to recognize this URL and handle the request? I.e. I'd prefer not to sniff $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] directly if there's a better way.

2. I see OC_User::setuserId() can log users in, but is there an API to create them?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Stephen Clay
Application Developer
Distance Learning | College of Education | UF

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