[Owncloud] Make translators live a bit easier - and the translations correct.

Thomas Müller thomas.mueller at tmit.eu
Sat Sep 1 21:36:44 UTC 2012


I'd like to a point which will make the live of translators easier and ensure
that the translations are correct.

We shall never split sentences!

Translators loose the context and they have no chance to possible re-arrange words.

			<?php echo $l->t('Select file from') . ' '; ?><a href='#' class="settings" id="browselink"><?php echo $l->t('local filesystem');?></a>
			<?php echo $l->t(' or '); ?><a href='#' class="settings" id="cloudlink"><?php echo $l->t('cloud');?></a>.

Translators will translate:
Select file from
local filesystem

By translating these individual strings for sure the case will be lost of "local filesystem" and "cloud".
The two white spaces with the or will get lost while translating as well.

In German this will look like this:
	"Wählen Sie eine Datei von lokales Dateisystem oderCloud. "

(Sorry if you are not speaking German - feel free to double check this string in our languages.)

I agree that html in strings for translation is ugly but usually translators can handle this.

What about variable in the strings?
In case you need to add variables to the translation strings do it like that:
	$l->t('%s is available. Get <a href="%s">more information</a>',array($data['versionstring'], $data['web']));

May I ask you all to review your code to make sure this is done properly?

We need to give the translations teams (50 teams!) enough time to update the translations until our rollout.

Thanks a lot and take care,

Tom aka DeepDiver

PS: Thx to the devs working on the news app - looks really awesome. Don't take it personal that I grabbed your snippet for this exercise. ;-)

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