[Owncloud] Sharing contacts and agenda between imap authenticated users

Johan Hendriks joh.hendriks at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 12:10:24 UTC 2012

Thomas Tanghus schreef:
> On Thursday 11 October 2012 13:49 Johan Hendriks wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I really like owncloud, but one thing i can not seem to get working is
>> sharing agenda and or contacts between users authenticated using the
>> user_imap plugin.
> I don't know if user_imap has any impact on sharing, but single contacts
> cannot be shared, only addressbooks.
Yes but i can not share the addressbook also!
I can not select any user, just the users added to the owncloud server 
by the add user interface from owncloud itself.
All the users once authenticated through the imap plugin, they do not show.

I think this is not possible, what is a big pitty because i do not want 
to create another user / password database.
My users dislike the email and windows password schema's already, adding 
another would really upset them :D

Thanks for the answer BTW.


>> Is this due the fact that they are not known by owncloud it self?
>> If so is there a way to get this working or am i chasing rabbits with this?

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