[Owncloud] Root sync instead of clientsync

Luis Azevedo luisazevedo69 at msn.com
Thu Oct 11 09:05:46 UTC 2012

Ok my goal is quite simple but I'm having trouble in getting it to work.
 I want to use ownCloud on my present company and for that I need the 
client to sync with the files on the root folder not the clientsync 
folder. It shouldn't even create the clientsync folder.

For that I've downloaded the code, changed it, compiled and generated the install package. 

 I changed was only one line of code, in the file src/mirall/theme.cpp 
there is defaultServerFolder which instead of returning 
QLatinString("clientsync") now returns QLatinString("/"). 

works well on the client side, it synced with the root folder and didn't
 create the clientsync folder. The issue is with the web interface. I'm 
getting duplicated files although they aren't real duplicates. The file 
system is correct and the seems to only be in the MySQL database on the oc_fcache
 table. Hence the duplicates.

I assume this is the one queried to list the files on the web app and I have "/user/file/file1.txt" and "/user/file//file1.txt". It's adding an extra "/" to the path and assumes it's a different file, while it's the same.

Maybe this comes from the client trying to create a "/" folder on the server at setup time. Not sure though.

Any ideas on how to fix the issue?

Thanks in advance 		 	   		  
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