[Owncloud] Planet site launch

Tom Needham tom at owncloud.com
Sat Mar 31 11:24:19 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Frank and I are preparing to launch the blog site later today (there will be a few mins of downtime).

This is a final call to anyone who would like to be included from the launch; obviously I can add them later itjust makes things easier for me to add you before the launch. Just send me the feed url for your owncloud tagged posts.

I have improved how the theme gets the blog icons:

 - Checks if image has been specified (you have emailed me one and I have uploaded it)
 - Checks if you have given me a specific email to use for a gravatar
 - Checks if a gravatar exists for the email supplied in your feed rss
 - Uses default icon

The first match will be used.

Frank, Arthur and Bartek have all either given me an email or an icon, but for Alessandro Cosentino and Michael Gapczynski I need gravatar emails or icons please :)


Tom Needham
tom at owncloud.com

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