[Owncloud] LDAP Plugin: Looking for beta tester

Yoann Gini yoann.gini at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 11:38:48 UTC 2012

Le 7 mars 2012 à 11:49, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) a écrit :

> I think the intention of the function is to match the search against exactly one entry in LDAP, correct?
> I think the number of entries should then actually be exactly one (return true), or anything not equal to one (returns false). Not even the 'uid' attribute is enforced to be globally unique in an LDAP tree in all cases.

No, the aim of this function is to test LDAP settings by trying to get all users. If I can get one or more entry with the actual settings, I return true.

The test step could be better by adding some additional input on the settings pane. The user could be asked for user name and password to test the system, I can also ask for a standard username and a admin username to test group capabilities.
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