[Owncloud] App Data Migration

Tom Needham tom at owncloud.com
Sat Mar 3 15:24:04 UTC 2012

Hi All,

So I'm currently doing some work on a backend for app data migration. Basically apps can register as migration providers (much like they do with search) and provide and import and export function.

Originally I was planning to use XML as the overall output format but we just had a chat in IRC and possibly JSON would be easier? Apps could just provide an array structure on export and be given the same one on import. The backend will do all the hard work of mashing all the arrays together, and adding in various other data (app version numbers, owncloud version number..) and then just run json_encode() and export to a .json file.

What does everyone thing? Thought I'd get your feedback before going ahead with it.


Tom Needham
tom at owncloud.com

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