[Owncloud] Setting up owncloud with PostgreSQL

Daniel Köb daniel.koeb at peony.at
Sat Jun 30 08:30:35 UTC 2012


Quoting Saint Germain <saintger at gmail.com>:
> It seems that Mr Koeb has more or less managed to install it and use it:
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/owncloud/2011-December/001903.html

Not just more or less. It actually works :-)

> Mr Koeb can you confirm that you have managed to use owncloud with   
> PostgreSQL ?

I have set up ownCloud about half a year ago and did not have the time  
to update it to the current version, so I doubt that my approach is  
still working. Back then I made some small changes to lib/setup.php  
which I attached for reference. But you won't be able to apply this  
patch to git master as lib/setup.php has changed in the meantime.


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