[Owncloud] regarding quality

Jan-Christoph Borchardt hey at jancborchardt.net
Fri Jun 29 20:12:53 UTC 2012

In addition to testing your code before pushing – if you do anything
user-facing, please also always test the interface, and review it

Don’t hesitate to ask me for advice regarding that, or if you would
like me to review the interaction, user experience, …

Picking up the quality point – it’s better to have less features that
work good than to have a whole bunch which don’t live up to the

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Frank Karlitschek <frank at owncloud.org> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> the main problem our users mention about ownCloud is the number of bugs we have. I think we have to be more careful in the future about code quality if we want that more users use our software to manage their important documents and data.
> We got a lot of bad press and feedback for ownCloud 4 and it took us several weeks to fix the major bugs in 4.0.4. We have to be way better in ownCloud 5.
> Robin, Thomas and others are working on automated unit tests. This will help us a bit in the future.
> But automated test have only a limited effectivity in complex client/server/web environments like ours.
> So every developer is full responsible for the bugs and security problems a commit might introduce. You can´t rely on a unit test or a different developer or user to find and fix your stuff.
> A few important rules:
> - Test your code before commit!
> - Only backport important and fully tested bugfixes to stable4
> - Switch PHP notices on and have a look at the Apache error log regularly.
> - Test you code before commit!!
> - Do complex stuff in branches and only merge when fully working
> - Respect the coding guidelines http://owncloud.org/dev/contribute/
> - I suggest that developers run master so that we are sure that it is always usable.
> - Use JS debugger like Firebug to catch JS errors.
> - Test you code before commit!!
> - Always sanitize user data to prevent XSS or CSRF security problems.
> - Always write documentation for your classes/functions.
> - Test your code before commit!!!!
> - And please test your code before commit!
> Thanks a lot!
> Frank
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