[Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.0.3 released

Jan-Christoph Borchardt hey at jancborchardt.net
Tue Jun 26 22:35:13 UTC 2012

Hey Klaas, nice work!

On starting up, I get a popup:
»No server connection has been configured for this ownCloud client.
Please right click on the ownCloud system tray icon and select
Configure to connect this client to an ownCloud server.«

Instead, the »Configure« popup should just be shown.

In fact, the right-click menu should only have 2 options when not
connected: »Connect to your ownCloud« and »Quit«. Clicking on the icon
should also bring up the connect to your ownCloud dialog, as it
already does now.

(And a note about the secure connection: That should be default and
not needed to be specified via starting the address via https://. It
does not seem to work at all if I just type in »owncube.com« – which
should be possible, and in which case the protocol should be
(Also, instead of saying »URL« the wording should be either »link« or
»web address« – I’m not sure about which is the better alternative,
but both are better than »URL« for sure, which is not used or rarely
understood by normal people.)

Let me know what you think. I have some more feedback but that’s the
biggest stuff for now.

(Are the mockups still guiding by the way?
– let me know if I should improve on them or if something is wrong
with them.)


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Klaas Freitag <freitag at owncloud.com> wrote:
> On 26.06.2012 15:46, Denis Kot wrote:
>> Bug with increasing /dev/urandom still present
>> http://bugs.owncloud.org/thebuggenie/owncloud/issues/oc-920
>> denis at ws101:~$ lsof -p 4952 | grep urandom | wc -l
>> 39
>> denis at ws101:~$ lsof -p 4952 | grep urandom | wc -l
>> 43
> I am sorry for that, but I still think that is not ownClouds fault.
> Do you by chance can bring that up in a Ubuntu forum? My gut feeling says
> its related to the SSL stack, but of course not sure.
> thanks,
> Klaas
>> 2012/6/26 Klaas Freitag<freitag at owncloud.com>:
>>> On 26.06.2012 15:03, Denis Kot wrote:
>>>> Yes, thanks! Now it works.
>>>> Was unable to autoupdate client via apt and had to update it manually.
>>> Thanks for letting me know, I am currently fixing the package. That was a
>>> packaging bug.
>>> Regards,
>>> Klaas
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