[Owncloud] Question on sharing app in owncloud

Michael Gapczynski mtgap at owncloud.com
Sun Jun 17 15:38:47 UTC 2012

You may want to take a look at my email about the Share API on Friday.

To answer your question though, there should be no problem with inserting a 
row manually. You may want to read up at the developer centre owncloud.org/dev 
or browse through the source code to see how to interact with the databse. 


On Saturday, June 16, 2012 09:15:01 PM Pitichai Pitimaneeyakul wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to create a share by inserting directly to database in
> `oc_sharing` table.
> But it does not working.  However, after I sharing through the web page
> for one person even in table `oc_sharing` have 3 people on the same
> resource, I found that all three people have sharing showing in their
> account.
> Can someone please guide me to there sharing ? If I would like to do the
> share from external application by inserting into database.
> Thank you and Best Regards,
> Pitichai
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