[Owncloud] App settings

Thomas Tanghus thomas at tanghus.net
Tue Jul 31 10:55:21 UTC 2012

On Sunday 22 July 2012 22:01 Thomas Tanghus wrote:
> For quite some time there has been talk about moving personal settings away
> from settings/personal.php and have them at app level instead.

I have now made a simple popup for app specific settings based on Jans suggestions.

It requires very few changes for app maintainers:

- A button/link with the standard cog settings icon e.g:

   <a class="settings" title="<?php echo $l->t('Settings'); ?>">
      <img class="svg" src="core/img/actions/settings.svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Settings'); ?>" />

- An element preferably somewhere inside #rightcontent looking either like:

   <div id="appsettings" class="popup topright hidden"></div>

 or like this:

   <div id="appsettings" class="popup bottomleft hidden"></div>

 depending on where you have your settings button.

- A call to popup the settings dialog e.g:

   $('#bottomcontrols .settings').on('click keydown', function() {
      OC.appSettings('appid'); // appid being 'contacts', 'calendar' etc.

- Change one line in the settings script from:

	return $tmpl->fetchPage();



- And of course loading any js used in the settings. I suggest using the
namespace OC.AppName.Settings to keep a uniform naming scheme.

One small catch: I presume that the app use a script 'settings.php' in the 
root of the apps folder hierarchy. We could also use what is already available
from OCP\App::registerPersonal(), but then again some apps that don't have a
WUI and will have to use that space.

The mandatory screen shots:


Suggestions are for changes/improvements are welcome :-)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus

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