[Owncloud] Date formatting on the client side

Christian Reiner foss at christian-reiner.info
Wed Jul 25 04:50:40 UTC 2012

Hello all, 
I am a bit confused and unsure if it's just me or if this really is a little 

lib/l10n.php offers the "localizations", date formatting rules ala "ddd MM 
YY". There is also an l() method defined to apply the rules. 

Unlike the t() function from the same file, that has its counterpart in 
js/js.js as t() I can however not find any means for the client side to apply 
those date formatting rules to dates or timestands to get visible dates 
formatted according to the users locaization preferences. 

WHat am I missing ? 
Christian Reiner

[ foss at christian-reiner.info ]

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