[Owncloud] Removal of 3rd party libraries from the main repo

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Thu Feb 16 10:16:12 UTC 2012

On 16.02.2012 10:53, Frank Karlitschek wrote:

Hi Frank,

>> Although, I tink I somewhere replied with my core opinion here which is: "3rdparty should go away." ;-)
> Thats the best approach.
Well, the cleanest, on the Linux side. What is the situation with mac here?

> But this would be even more difficult for developers.
That depends on the distros support for it.

For the openSUSE case for example (thats the one I know well, don't 
wanna fanboying ;-) ) there could be an ymp file which registers the 
needed repos and installs all needed dev packages. Similar solutions 
exist for other distros as well, in worst case we simply maintain an 
owncloud-sdk package that requires all 3rdparty things.

The build service can ease that effort to maintain that very much, but 
we have to find packagers who are willing to help us.

> The idea of the 3rdparty repo was to have a place where all the right versions of the external libs are collected. The user just has to copy it into 3rdparty and it works.
Sure, I see the idea. But we aren't there, I remember that I had to 
install a couple of php5 packages such as mbstring to get oC going. 
Where is the line drawn?

> All a developer has to do is to clone the 3rdparty repo as git submodule into the 3rdparty folder and it should work as before.
> Maintaining everything in one big repository with incompatible licenses is not a solution in the long run IMHO.
Thats for sure.


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