[Owncloud] how to run owncloud from a git repo clone

Johannes Harms jjh_nospam at gmx.at
Fri Aug 31 17:00:22 UTC 2012


What is the best way to keep an owncloud installation up to date?

Background information: 
My owncloud installation used to be a simple git clone from the repo on gitorious.org into my /var/www directory. To update my installation, it sufficed to run `git fetch; git checkout tag_name;` on my server. Yesterday I switched my repo URL from gitorious to github and found that my owncloud calendar did not work anymore. I guess this is because of the new project structure on github, where some (but not all) apps have been moved to a separate repository.

Potential solutions:
* I could download and extract the .zip-files from owncloud.org/releases, but this is annoying and dangerous because it may accidentally overwrite stuff, and it makes reverting difficult in case an update fails. 
* Of course, I could setup my own git repository and manually download and extract the .zip-files into this repository. This solves the problem of accidentally overwriting files and enables me to revert to previous versions. But it feels unnecessarily cumbersome. 
Maybe the owncloud project could make these things easier by either:
* Using git submodules to tie the bits and pieces together, or:
* Alternatively, providing a releases repository to pull the releases from

Also, where is the build script? The hudson build tasks seem to be using ant, but I can't find the build.xml files.

thank you for bearing with me!

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