[Owncloud] Major conflict issues

Colin owncloud at lanternhosting.co.uk
Thu Aug 30 19:54:25 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

I have OC 4.0.7 running and I am testing it out prior to letting anyone 
else use it.

So far I am having major issues. It seems like for no apparent reason I 
get thousands of conflict files generated. Then I get the whole lot 
duplicated as conflicts of conflicts. Today I realised my PC had over 
70,000 conflict files on it and my laptop had over 30,000 conflict files.

This isn't just a one off. It happened before so I completely erased all 
files off of all machines and the server except for my laptop. I then 
told the laptop to sync to a fresh folder on the server which completed. 
I have connected two PCs and in the space of a couple of weeks gotten 
into this mess again.

The majority of the files that are getting the conflicts are files that 
haven't even been opened let alone modified since they were uploaded and 
the files have never been used in two locations at once.

Any ideas what is going on?

All the best,

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