[Owncloud] Translation in JS code

Martin Werthmöller mw+owncloud at lw-systems.de
Mon Aug 13 10:31:14 UTC 2012

Am Fr, 10 Aug 2012 um 15:35 GMT +0200 schrieb Philip Taffner:
> There is already a function for that [1]:
> "To translate text in javascript use: t('appname','text to translate');"
> It just has to be used everywhere... the file listing is also missing
> some of these function calls, for example at the mouse over links like
> "rename".
Ok. I need to fix this. How is it possible to fix this on my local
installation and test it there. Later I could send a patch for this.
> [1] http://owncloud.org/dev/translation/
I've created an account at the transifex site. But I cannot download
any of the tools described at http://owncloud.org/dev/translation/,
because transifex forces me to

 """have the ownership of at least 2 projects to be able to share
 strings using the Translation Memory (TM). Be aware that if you have
 only one project, the strings of its resources are already shared
 among them. """

IMHO very annoying to create an account and to work into an extra
workflow. Why do ownCloud use an external service for this task.

qBest regards,
Martin Werthmoeller

LWsystems - IT-Service and Consulting
mw at lw-systems.de * http://www.lw-systems.de

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