[Owncloud] External Storage

Gronies, Thomas Gronies at uni-wuppertal.de
Fri Aug 10 12:21:16 UTC 2012


I want to test the ability to mount external storage.
I'm using the latest master branch from git on a debian stable machine because in owncloud 4 CIFS/SMB is not implemented.

What do I have to do to mount a SMB/CIFS share within my Owncloud account?
I have installed smbclient and cifs-tools. Also I am able to mount a CIFS share on this debian box.

As user I find the field "External Storage" and tried to configure a CIFS share.
I think mount point should be a directory within my Account, I named it cifs. It is an empty directory that I created before. (Btw. As I tried to name it "CIFS", all capitals, this directory has been created in the filesystem but was not listed in my Owncloud files list. It's really strange...)
As  backend I chose SMB.
Then I configured the URL -- Do I have to put here the full path to my share, or only the servername? I tried both, no differences in the behavior.
As username I put there MYDOMAIN/MYUSER and then my password.
Root: I left it as it was, also I tried with /

Then, when I browse into my directory it takes a few seconds and an empty directory appears with the text "Nothing in here. Upload something!". Hmm, but my share is definitely not empty....
I found no log entries :-(

I tried also the username without the domain name, because the domain is set in the samba config. The result is a white page / no contet, when I browse to the cifs directory.


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