[Owncloud] Introduction of Cloudia

Klaas Freitag freitag at suse.de
Thu Sep 1 15:50:12 UTC 2011


I'd like to introduce you to Cloudia.

Cloudia came to me last weekend and it helps me to interact with 
Owncloud. It is a semi-automatic sync client for the Owncloud for the 
desktop written using Qt. Find a screenshot here:

Currently it monitors the directory $HOME/Owncloud and tells you about 
the status of the sync. In case its not in sync, you have two buttons 
"Sync to Owncloud" and "Sync from Owncloud" to fix that. It doesn't do 
that automatically for you yet. That would be possible but I don't 
always really want that.

Technically, Cloudia dedicates all the nifty sync stuff to a cool little 
tool called sitecopy [1]. So you can see Cloudia as a fronted for 
sitecopy as well. Make sure to have the sitecopy package installed.

I would love to hear what you think about Cloudia. If you like to try 
it, please either use packages from the open build service, project 
home:kfreitag [2] or compile from source. The code is currently in the 
KDE SVN, in the module playground/office. If you feel its a useful 
supplement to Owncloud, I will probably continue to work on it.

One important downside currently: the url of the used Owncloud is 
hardcoded to http://localhost/oc/ . If you use another url, please open 
the file mainwindow.cpp, go to line 26 and change the host and path 
accordingly. I know that is silly and will be fixed.

For authentification, Claudia enters the name of the logged in user 
automatically into the config file .sitecopyrc. Add a password to it 
inserting the line
  password xxxx
manually after Cloudias first run or put the password in your file 
$HOME/.netrc .

have fun,


[1] http://www.manyfish.co.uk/sitecopy/
[2] http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/kfreitag/

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