[Owncloud] OwnCloud is default page?

Eric Griffith egriffith92 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 04:56:26 UTC 2011

Hey guys and gals. Hopefully a pretty easy question tonight; I've got
multiple pages setup under /srv/http.  OwnCloud, WordPress and
PhpMyAdmin, I also have a generic index.html in the directory as well.
But for some reason, when I go to my webserver's IP (for the sake of
clarity, the internal's I automatically get the
OwnCloud page. The DocumentRoot is still just set to /srv/http so why
is OwnCloud the default? Why wouldn't it load the the default

Eventually I want WordPress to be the default, and then OwnCloud to be
accessed by doing or OwnCloud.; I
post it here since its OwnCloud thats defaulting, I just can't find a
setting that would explain why its doing so. If anyone can help, it'd
be appreciative. WebServer's Apache.

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