[Owncloud] Refactoring owncloud

Jakob Sack mail at jakobsack.de
Wed Mar 2 23:25:56 UTC 2011


those of you following #owncloud on freenode already know this: I am 
refactoring owncloud.

But what does this mean? Well, some parts of owncloud are somewhat messy. To 
make contributing to owncloud easier I thought about possible chages and put 
them down on the wiki [1]. After some feedback from Robin and François I 
started to implement those changes.

To summarize the changes: I try to loosely follow the MVC paradigm, put 
libraries from other parties in another folder ("3dparty") and separate the 
functions (applications). Furthermore I introduced some very basic template 
system using php files and the ob_* functions and migrate the javascript code 
to jquery and jquery-ui.

At the moment the code is barely working. If you want to have a look at it 
just enter the branch "refactoring" or visit [2]. There you can see the 
current state of my work. Be warned: this code might eat your children.

Please do not expect final results before the Stuttgart meeting. Using this as 
a base for new features isn't a good idea, either. The code might change 
faster than you can do a rebuild of kde. Lastly, I am not going to add 
features like versioning and a gallery and whatsoever. The primary goal is to 
have a working refactored owncloud making developers feeling welcomed.

If you have feedback please edit the according wiki page or answer this mail.



[1] http://owncloud.org/index.php/Refactoring

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