[Owncloud] OwnClouds Future

Mario Đanić mario.danic at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 08:15:57 UTC 2010

I see one flaw - for this you need desktop implementation of OwnCloud
in a form of a
daemon and an application for syncing.

I plan on working on this (daemon and sync app), either for KDE or
GNOME organizations, but it would be great if you would like to
collaborate as our projects overlap - perhaps work together on the
backend, I'll work on the UI, and you can modify the apps to make it
work with OwnCloud.
I am also inviting the other guy that wishes to do UI for other DE, to
collaborate. Reusing effort and collaborating is good. The backend and
the UI would be written in python.

That being said, the approach you mentioned is a very rough one. I
have some ideas
in mind that might improve situation, namely:

- collect basic info about the computer, and attach it to particular
home folder in OwnCloud
- if you want to mount it on another computer, inspect that computer
and see if there are
 any potential problems
- if there are no problem, just mount it, otherwise say there might be
potential conflicts

That being said, I'd say we should avoid syncing dot-files for now:
its not easy to get
it right, and you still get most of the functionality. However I can
see that this has some
shortcomings, especially in applications like firefox that holds
profile data in such
files and directories, so we *might* selectively choose that.

I must say that I am really happy to see so much interest in OwnCloud. Let's see
what the future holds for us.


On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 05:18, Cosmin Gorgovan <cosmin at linux-geek.org> wrote:
> I think it should be possible to develop an webdav fuse driver optimized
> for this kind of use;
> and to modify KDM to 1) allow this kind of logins and 2)mount your
> owncloud as your home directory after logging in
> This would result in having the same dot-files on every computer you log
> in on, so you'd basically get what you want (and probably get in some
> trouble if you are running significantly different versions of the
> apps). With decent optimisations, I think this would work quite OK,
> maybe except for the initial sync where you'd be limited by the
> bandwidth, transfer overhead and number of files.
> Unless someone else sees a fatal flaw, I might just turn this into my
> GSoC proposal for OwnCloud.
> Cheers,
> Cosmin
> On 03/20/2010 10:48 PM, cody at killsudo.info wrote:
>> Could OwnCloud be used to seperate kde and the home folder from any physical
>> computer.
>> I would one day like to be able to keep my kde desktop/resources/data in the
>> cloud and simple use a domain login to request and cache my desktop to any
>> kde4 pc or device. I imagine kdm supporting a login so I could specifiy
>> cody at killsudo.info and it would connect to my owncloud instance on the server
>> and load my desktop and files. My widgets, themes, mail, tags,  etc would all
>> be pulled down.
>> I would even like to push akonadi to the server and connect my kde apps up to
>> the cloud to store and send/receive data.
>> A phone running kde(or any app that uses open-standards) could connect to my
>> same instance and using akondi pull my mail, contacts, etc. Could even stream
>> music on the go from my owncloud instance to the phone.
>> Internet speeds are getting fast enough even wirelessly to make this a final
>> reality.
>> Right now I use libgcal and akonadi resources to plan my calendar then push
>> the calendar to my google calendar that can then be shared with family.
>> I would also like to see a nice web frontend over owncloud as you are doing
>> now that lets me access my data, contacts, etc in a browser if need be to make
>> quick changes or share a file.
>> So, am I crazy?
>> Signed
>> Cody
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