[Owncloud] ownCloud 1.0 installation problem

Paul Nokel paul at paulnokel.de
Sun Jun 27 09:31:33 UTC 2010

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:40:40 +0300, alex palamidis
<alejaaandro.pal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi to everyone, congrats on the release of 1.0 version..
> I read about owncloud some time ago and i was excited and waiting for
> a release in order to try it. Unfortunately i have some issues so i
> can't try it. Hopefully you can help me figure if it's me (and help me
> solve it) or if there's a bug (not sure if this is the place for this,
> but couldn't find where to report bugs other than the mailing list)
> Owncloud is in
> /var/www/owncloud
> and i'm trying to install it with mysql.
> When letting owncloud create the mysql user and database i get
> "can not connect to database as administrative user."
> even though i 've triple checked mistyping the info in "database
> administrative user:" and "database administrative password:"
> If i manually create the user and db trough phpmyadmin and uncheck
> "create database and user:" i get the following, even though i've
> granted all permissions to user "owncloud" for "owncloud" db.
> DB Error: "MDB2 Error: unknown error"
> Offending command was: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `locks` ( `token`
> varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `path` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT
> '', `created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `modified` int(11) NOT
> NULL DEFAULT '0', `expires` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `owner`
> varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `recursive` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
> `writelock` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `exclusivelock` int(11) NOT NULL
> DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`token`), UNIQUE KEY `token` (`token`), KEY
> `path` (`path`), KEY `path_2` (`path`), KEY `path_3` (`path`,`token`),
> KEY `expires` (`expires`) )
> ps. the config.php file is empty even after i run the installer
> (permission is set so "others" can read/wirte).. This seems strange to
> me, but it might be ok if the file is supposed to be written after a
> successful configuration. Just thought i should mention it
> Finally, i tried writing my own config file using config.sample.php
> but then i just get an empty page when going to the owncloud
> directory..
> Any ideas what's wrong or how i am messing this up?
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> --
> alejaaandro
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same problem here. After clicking "Save" in the configuration wizard a
user called "owncloud" exists in the database with "ALL PRIVILEGES" on
the db "owncloud" (exists).
But there is no data in this db.
Also the default setting for hosts to connect from is "%". What I think
is quite subotpimal.
I used this workaround:
1.) Clean up the database if you already run the installation script:
delete the user "owncloud" and the database "owncloud"
2.) Create a user "owncloud" on the host "localhost" (if your database
is not on an other host) and grant him all privilegues to the database
3.) Now on Commandline: cd /var/www/owncloud/docs && mysql -u owncloud
-p owncloud < owncloud.sql
4.) Run the install wizard of owncloud
5.) Fill the fields as defined before
5.) Uncheck "create database and user:" and "automaticly fill initial
6.) Click save and everything will be fine :)


PS: Sorry for my bad english :>

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