[Owncloud] Quick question
Jos van den Oever
jos.van.den.oever at kogmbh.com
Wed Aug 18 16:06:20 UTC 2010
On Wednesday, August 18, 2010 17:24:12 pm Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> I know there is some work going into collaborative editing. I just bumped
> into the article below, which might be interersting - as in, it talks
> about algorithms which help resolve the issues you have when creating a
> real-time collaboration framework. It's about google's wave - while the
> product is dead, there are some clever solutions in there which are
> described in some whitepapers:
> http://www.waveprotocol.org/whitepapers/operational-transform
> Article:
> http://googlewavedev.blogspot.com/2010/03/novell-pulse-and-google-wave.htm
> l
> Just FYI, not sure if it's very interesting to anyone right now ;-)
Hi Jos,
Thanks for the link. This is certainly on our radar, perhaps even using wave
or a similar protocol. I was not aware of Novell Pulse yet. If you know some
people looking at sending ODF over wave, we are certainly interested in that
protocol and would like to have a go at implementing it. Wave on its own is
not enough to do collaborative editing of ODF documents. There needs to be
agreement on how to do it for the ODF file format which is a zip file containing
mostly XML files. The operational transformation algorithm part is a good
candidate for being part of the solution.
Jos van den Oever, software architect
+49 391 25 19 15 53
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