D11074: Fix opening files via a file manager on Mac

René J.V. Bertin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Mar 6 17:48:56 UTC 2018

rjvbb added a comment.

  In addition to the inline comments:
  There is no specific reason to hide the QFileOpenEvent handling in a Mac-specific file and behind #ifdefs . I seem to recall that the same event mechanism was used on another, now defunct Qt platform. Other KDE applications (notably Kate) don't bother and just include the extra code unconditionally.
  I'd suggest having a look at the QtSingleApplication class used by Kate (and KDevelop, plus undoubtedly others). That'd be a nod to Luigi's wish to defer the required functionality to an external library (QSA could probably be integrated in KGuiAddons or KWidgetsAddons at some point).
  It also provides the additional benefit of allowing a single instance approach. I don't know what the Okular team thinks of that I find that it'd make sense (as a user option?), esp. with Sergio's other proposed feature to provide an open documents menu under the Dock tile. That feature would be much more user-friendly if you don't have to try each and every Okular Dock tile until you find the instance that has the document open you want to activate.
  I'll hold off giving a +1 until someone from the Okular team reacts to this.


> CMakeLists.txt:26-28
> +    set(okular_SRCS
> +        ${okular_SRCS}
> +        macapplication.cpp)

You could use `list(APPEND ...)` here.

> macapplication.h:24
> +
> +    public:
> +        MacApplication(int &argc, char **argv);

public, private etc. keywords are usually left-aligned in KDE code.

  R223 Okular


To: sbragin
Cc: ltoscano, rjvbb, #okular, michaelweghorn, ngraham, aacid
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