[Okular-devel] Kile and Okular with ForwardDVI

Pino Toscano pino at kde.org
Wed Jun 10 22:11:24 CEST 2009


> > > Is ForwardDVI also supposed to work with PDF files? Of course we should
> > > then call it differently ;)
> > > I only tried with pdfsync and not with synctex. And with pdfsync okular
> > > did not jump to any src reference.
> >
> > Theorically should not be a big deal at this point -- do you have a
> > sample showing it?
> Yes, attached is a tex file and the pdf. The source references have been
> created with the pdfsync package.

pdfsync looks working here, I was able to shift+click in the text of the pages 
to jump to their definition in the .tex.
For the opposite, ehm... call me dumb, but I did not find how to run a 
ForwardDVI using PDF files...

> A version with synctex will follow later. Or is this not different from
> pdfsync?

Sadly it is much different (IIRC pdfsync is deprecated in favour of synctex, 
or so I was told), and I did not have a chance to have a Texlive2008 working 
installation to try and play with it. There is code around to handle that, but 
without a real chance to test it, it is almost impossible for me to try to 
integrate it.

Pino Toscano
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