[Okular-devel] Content for the book download
Josef Spillner
spillner at kde.org
Mon Oct 15 08:53:56 CEST 2007
On Sunday 14 October 2007 22:24:00 Pino Toscano wrote:
> Hi,
> > Is it already possible to give you content for the Get Hot New Stuff
> > implementation?
> Currently, the GHNS implementation of okular is quite "experimental".
> Though, the current knewstuff library is not quite stable or really
> working, so I think the only solution will be disabling newstuff for KDE
> 4.0, until knewstuff will work nicely (let's hope for KDE 4.1, but it's
> really too early to say that...).
There will be a KNewStuff IRC meeting next weekend with annma and other
people. All interested people are invited. Disclaimer: I haven't worked on
the library at all for maybe 3 months now, so let's just see how much
progress we can achieve.
> > Will you also feature non-english content?
> That will depend much on knewstuff capabilities: pratically, we could add
> all the contents, without "taking care" of the language. Ideally, an idea
> could be having the same contents and its translations together. (Note:
> this is not planned yet, but I hope the knewstuff developer (CC'ed here)
> will evaluate if possible. So, Josef? :-) )
It is already possible to have i18n'd content:
<payload lang="en">english.pdf</payload>
<payload lang="it">italiano.pdf</payload>
This is however for the exclusive selection. If you want to download a PDF
file in several languages, you have to search for the other versions on your
own. There is no "related files" functionality yet, and all the ratings etc.
will be assigned individually, whereas for the exclusive selection it's all
one entry with one rating, one download number and one set of user comments.
Having all translations together (set of PDF files) would be possible, but in
most cases it would be a waste of bandwidth, and it also needs application
support because KDE itself doesn't support i18n'd data yet. We might add this
to KDE 5 at some point, but for now, we can only use a convention of e.g.
~/.kde/share/apps/okular/downloads/$lang/foo.pdf which is
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