[Okular-devel] Layout of the toolbar

Florian Graessle holehan at kde.org
Wed May 16 15:15:19 CEST 2007

Hi Sharad,

sharad wrote On 16.05.2007 14:23 Uhr:
> I'm back in the institute once more! it feels good to be able to work
>  again, I'm aware that I've trashed up the deadlines that we had set,
>  but i'll try and make up for it,

Good to hear you are on track again.

> I'm right now typing the evaluation that i'd done and will be seding
> it to you asap, regarding the toolbar comparion, I cant seem to find
> acrobat reader 9.

My fault, I mixed up the Acrobat Reader versions. I meant version 7 and
8 (version 9 doesn't exist). They show significant differences, that's
why I'd like you to include both of them in your analysis.


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