[Nepomuk] Nepomuk in 4.13 and beyond

Vishesh Handa me at vhanda.in
Sun Jan 12 15:07:20 UTC 2014

On Sunday 12 Jan 2014 10:00:44 Simeon Bird wrote:
> Hey Vishesh,

Hey Simeon
> I was messing around with the baloo code yesterday, and I made some
> changes - a lot of them are just obvious typo fixes, but I also changed
> the IndexScheduler a bit at the end, which you might want to review.
> Should I just commit the simple ones and send the complex ones to review
> board as usual, or would you prefer something special for the new project?

Reviewboard please. You can commit the simple ones.

> Also, I wanted to ask you: why are there *two* timers in the commit
> queue? Is this for some future feature, or is it necessary right now for
> some clever reason I didn't think of?

Well, the rationale was that if a user modifies a file, they should be instantly 
indexed, however if a large number of files are being indexed then we don't 
want to commit changes so fast as it is expensive. Hence the second timer.

So it goes like this -

- If a file is indexed and no other files are indexed in the next x msecs - 
commit it
- If more files are still being indexed, then wait for the second timer (which 
is 10 seconds or so)

> Simeon

Vishesh Handa

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