[Nepomuk] How to config virtuoso-t?

Michael Jerger dev at jerger.org
Sun Jan 5 04:57:23 UTC 2014


maybe it's good to giv u a short intro of myself?
My name is Michael and I attend the semantic enterprise service for an 
international company as architect. Also I'm kde user for more than 10 years - 
so thanks for your good work :-).

Since I started to use kmail again, one old virtuoso-t problem raised again - 
virtuoso-t grabs all my free memory - in my case 16G - so there is no ram left 
for my beloved development ide vms (the versions I use: ubuntu10.13 / 

I've seen, that my virtuoso-t get's its config out of /tmp/virtuoso_dT2859.ini 
at the moment  (NumberOfBuffers=2000 indicates its configured for 2Gb) - so my 
question is: Can u tell me, where this config comes from? Is there the 
posibility to limit the memory usage manually (the nepomuk frontend for 
limiting virtuosos memory has gone)?

There is on more question - I've seen your privicy thougths at 
http://userbase.kde.org/Nepomuk#Sharing_and_privacy. So at my semantic 
enterprise service I've similar problems - so do you have made any brain work 
for this topic allready? May I be interested in your ideas and experiance?

Best regards,
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