[Nepomuk] Indexing encrypted filesystems

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Fri Mar 23 11:53:58 UTC 2012

> well, I mean a "cloud" service which stores the data rather than the

Well, we can store encrypted data on the cloud as well. *

> device. Apparently your concern is theft. So the most secure option is
> to simply do not store sensitive stuff on the device.

That can be a problem if you need that sensitive data on the device.
Accessing secure stuff on the web can have hidden unsafe caches,
depending on browser implementiations, kio implementations for spec
protocols etc. while with encrypted filesystems, the most vulnerable
point would be a cold-boot memory attack.

* and if we store encrypted data on the cloud, and decrypt locally -
this means that the implementation of the protocols, caching and stuff
doesn't enter into the equation since, again, the only place where
decrypted data exists is ram.


While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

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