[Nepomuk] Music issues I want to fix

Ignacio Serantes kde at aynoa.net
Thu Jun 7 17:59:05 UTC 2012


I detect next issues with music albums scanning flac and mp3 formats:

1) Performers:

   - mp3: supports it but it wrongly adding nmm:albumArtist too and this
   must be related to nmm:MusicAlbum.
   - flac: only adds one performer, the last added to the file?.
   nmm:musicArtist it's not imported and an error is launched: "Cannot set
   values for abstract property '


   - 0 to n nmm:albumArtist resources must be added to nmm:MusicAlbum.
   - 0 to n nmm:performer resources must be added to nmm:MusicPiece.

2) Albums:

   - there is no url in nmm:MusicAlbum so two different albums with same
   name are considered one unique resource.
   - determine album url is tricky, you need to obtain the url from a
   track, a method complicated because previous problem.


   - add nie:url to albums.
   - two albums with same name but different path are different albums.
   This have a side effect with sets if sets are in different paths, but I
   think is better that sets are considered different albums, than two
   different albums are the same resource. On the other side, this could be
   handle with some smart path detection assuming some kind of organization
   with paths. Other solution could be using nmm:albumArtis to determine if
   two albums are different but, then we have the problem with various artists
   - added nfo:depiction as a cover, an image that could be handled by
   Bangarang or Nepoogle.
   - maybe more nfo:depiction for scans?

3) Genres:

   - mp3: is not working.
   - flac: works fine, supporting unlimited genres.


   - bug with mp3 files must be fixed.

4) Sets:

   - there is no total tracks per set.
   - the total tracks is equal to the total tracks number in the last track


   - a solution similar as seasons in tvshows.
   - a total tracks and a total tracks per set must be handled.

I'm only using flac and mp3 so the same or other issues could be in other
music formats.

Sets problems is a minor issue, but the other three, must be fixed.

As practically all my music is in flac format I will try to fix problems 1
and 2 in flac analyzer, I'm crossing my fingers because is C++, but I wish
to hear comments/suggestions before begin to code.

Best wishes,
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