[Nepomuk] First time Hello / Conquirere research tool / BibTeX ontology

Jörg Ehrichs Joerg.Ehrichs at gmx.de
Sun Sep 18 19:38:33 UTC 2011

Hi Sebastian,
thanks for the detailed comments.

What follows is a detailed answer and some more questions as well ;)

Am Sunday, 18. September 2011, 09:31:49 schrieb Sebastian Trüg:
> The ontology is a very good start already. I of coursde have a lot of
> comments (I always do). And after having looked at it I feel it is best
> to start with a general comment:
> When designing an ontology you should not try to create a 1-to-1 mapping
> but instead try to design the ontology the way things actually are. Wow,
> there is a weird sentence nobody can understand. :P
> What I mean is that instead of storing the journal as a string, you
> store it as a resource which has a name and can even have an address and
> so on.

Lot of comments are always good :) I took a second look at the ontology and 
tried to adapt to your comments and tried to change the 1-to-1 mapping to 
something more "general".

Lets see if it reflects a  proper semantic approach a bit better now.

A quick uml overview how the results look like can be found at [1] and the new 
nbib.trig like before at [2].

> Anyway, maybe it gets clearer with the detailed comments:
> nbib:Website:
> IMHO it would make sense to somehow map this to other websites stored in
> the system - simply to be able to search and list them the same way.
> Actually this is a really problematic topic which we have not solved
> entirely thus far. We had nfo:Website and now have nfo:WebDataObject.
> But the semantics are not entirely clear yet, at least not to me. Maybe
> a first step would be to make it a sub-class to nfo:Website.

I've change the name to nbib:Electronics (thats how KBibTeX names it). This 
also means, it is not really a sub-class of nfi:Website, for the url part of it 
it is true though.

> nbib:AccessDate:
> this is a property. Thus, by convention it should start with a
> lower-case letter. Also it is not a sub-property of plainTextContent.
> Maybe using nuao:lastUsage would be sufficient here?

As for references of websites it is necessary to specify the date of the 
access used for the research. I've changed it to nuao:lastUsage as it seems 
this is the same.

> nbib:Annotate:
> I do not understand this one? Can you give an example.

Thats a weird one. I've added it because KBibtex supports it. In general it 
seems to be just another form of a simple note field.

> nbib:Chapter:
> Here we run into a problem. Conceptually there should be the book which
> has an author and a publisher and so on. And then there should be the
> excerpt from the book which is used as the citation. Or a reference into
> the book (but as you read my email regarding excerpts you know that I am
> in favor of them). Thus, I would maybe model a chapter as a
> nie:InformationElement which is nie:isLogicalPartOf the book. Then a
> reference is to the chapter and not to the book. And in fact the
> reference could just be a relation to the chapter.

This sounds logical. I've change it this way around now.

> nbib:Crossref:
> lower case again. How about using nao:prefLabel?
The crossref is used to "link" to another reference entry. I changed it now 
that every BibResource can have several Crossrefs in the range of the 

> nbib:Editor:
> lower case again. And IMHO this should be in nco instead seeing that
> both nco:creator and nco:publisher exist.

should the nco:Editor be added to the nco ontology or like I did currently as 
nie:Editor in the nbib ontology?

> nbib:Institution:
> lower case again. This is a tricky one. IMHO this should be encoded in
> the nco:publisher property. I suppose this means that an individual
> person did the publishing but while working for or with the institution?
> If that is the case we should maybe look into nco roles for this one.
Yes thats what it mean. 
So I should add an nbib:Institution as pimo:Role to the publisher?

> nbib:Number:
> belongs to the journal/magazie instead of the reference I think. The
> question is: would it make sense to model single journals as resources
> or just the series with journal numbers?
I think one resource nco:Contact per Journal and each article has a 
nbib:hasJournal with volume/number encoded in the article

> nbib:Pages:
> lower case again. IMHO this should be modeled as an excerpt again.
here istruggle a bit. Currently I changed it to have the pages assigned to the 
nbib:BibReference. I'm not sure how each page would be created as excerpt of a 
book for the reference in detail (or if this makes sense at all)

> Also how about creating a ticket at http:://oscaf.sf.net for the new
> ontology. After all it makes perfect sense to be able to describe books
> and stuff.

Should I create a ticket even with an unfished ontology and see if I get some 
responses there or firstly work out the main kinks?




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