[Nepomuk] Resource Browser - First update

Phaneendra Hegde pnh.pes at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 18:58:47 UTC 2011

Last week I started a nepomuk based project called *resourcebrowser*. Here
is an update.

Resource browser as the name suggests is a browser using which you can
browse nepomuk resources. The user is provided with a search bar, through
which the resource browsing is carried out. The user can search for
resources using either the name or content or type of the resource.(Just
like dolphin's search bar, but searching is extended to all resources,not
just files) .

Along with it, the user is provided with recommendations related to the
resources. The recommendations are currently being provided if the resource
name is present in other file's content.  I plan to extend it, such that
the most frequently occurred keywords present in one file are matched with
other files and recommendations are shown in the near future.I need to do
some NLP during this keyword extraction so that I can stem the content and
ignore all English articles(a,the,is etc). I'm also thinking about usage
based recommendation (Ivan's contour does the same. May be I can use his

There are filters provided on the left hand side of the browser, which can
be used to fine tune the search results. (Just like dolphin's filter
panel.But I have added Nepomuk::Utils::Facet::createPriorityFacet along
with other facets).Using this priority facet user can search for a movie in
his computer that he has never watched.Or, he could use it to find out the
unused files in his computer and delete them if needed.

The user click tracking is done, so that the resource that is accessed the
most pops out on top of the search results.(Nepomuk::Resource::usageCount()
will be incremented every time). Since contour's recommendation engine
tracks many more data , I should take a look at it. Since the usage
analysis of the user is carried out, I can use it for filtering 'most
important' from priority facet (which is doing nothing afaik).

There are few extra features, one of which is where the user is provided
with a GUI module to manually create a link between 2 resources. I have
provided a list which shows all linked resources, which will be populated
whenever the user selects any resource from main body.Unlinking can be done
just by selecting unlink from context menu. Another feature is for the
removal of duplicates of resources, again to save space.

The ultimate aim of this project is to cut down the navigation time of
reaching to any resource, similar to how a web search engine works. That
is, the user gets the resource he wants immediately, preferably at the top
of the search results.

Future Enhancements:

   1. Improved recommendation with respect to both content based and usage
   2. The user can search using natural language queries  eg. Play the
   movie i saw last nigh
   Or more complicated queries like, “ show me the C++ files I worked on
   last night “
   3. If combined with a voice service, it would turn out to more
   practically useful with respect to the common man as he would want to
   just talk to his computer to do his tasks for him. Yes, it is something
   similar to siri of iphone.(Just thinking big , I know its complexity).

Finally, this project is yet to be named and I welcome your suggestions.
I'm also open to any suggestions regarding this project,future enhancements

Thanks a lot :)

resourcebrowser can be found in my scratch repo: git://

Phaneendra Hegde
IRC-Nick: pnh (#nepomuk-kde,#kde-in)
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