[Nepomuk] sequences

Sebastian Trüg trueg at kde.org
Tue Sep 14 14:22:53 CEST 2010

If I understand correctly you want to store sentences as RDF literals.
Thus, something along the lines of:

<res> <xxx:hasSentence> "foo bar hello"@en
<res> <xxx:hasSentence> "The world is mine"@en

And you want to order them. IMHO this needs to be done by introducing
the necessary ontology entities. One could think of something like:

<res> <xxx:hasDocument> <doc1> .
<doc1> a xxx:Document .
<doc1> <xxx:hasSentence> <sen1> .
<doc1> <xxx:hasSentence> <sen2> .
<sen1> <xxx:hasText> "foo bar hello"@en .
<sen1> <xxx:sentenceIndex> 0 .
<sen2> <xxx:hasText> "The world is mine"@en .
<sen2> <xxx:sentenceIndex> 1 .

It is of course complex - maybe someone else can come up with a less
complicated approach?
BTW: I am pretty sure someone already wrote an ontology for documents.
So all we have to do is look for that and make is Nepomukish. :)

Another approach is to store both: the sentences and the full doc.


On 09/14/2010 10:16 AM, Bèrto ëd Sèra wrote:
> Hi!
> I just saw the "Excerpts for Query Results" thing and I really love it.
> Now there is a last thing we will need for ambaradan: sequences. We
> store free text in a translatable format, that is, we break it in
> sentences. So we need to keep an ordered sequence to "rebuild" the doc.
> Other graphs do not depend on a particular order (apart from hierarchy),
> as taxonomy should be sorted according to the end user's language. Is is
> possible/easy to do this? It should be something like a "document"
> class, that is possibly a graph of chapters, who in turn are an ordered
> list of sentences.
> Everything we need else appears to be there already.
> Bèrto
> -- 
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> Constitution du 24 juin 1793 - Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole
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