[Nepomuk] Loads of Questions

Sebastian Trüg trueg at kde.org
Fri Sep 10 16:26:22 CEST 2010

On 09/07/2010 12:02 PM, Artem Serebriyskiy wrote:
> optional properties are properties that contribute to the actul score if
> they match, but their absence or mismatch don't decrease the actual store


> Sebastian, why do you prefer KUrl over QUrl ?

It is a common guideline in KDE to prefer the KDE class over the Qt one.
In addition to that KUrl's constructor can handle encoded URIs and
KUrl::url() gives us the encoded URI as a QString. With QUrl we would
have to:

QString s = QString::fromAscii( url.toEncoded() );
QUrl u = QUrl::fromEncoded( s.toAscii() );

which looks ugly.
With KUrl this becomes:

QString s = url.url();
KUrl u( s );

nice and simple. :)


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