[Nepomuk] AsyncQuery in Python

Stéphane Laurière slauriere at mandriva.com
Tue May 11 10:54:34 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to execute an AsyncQuery using the Python bindings with the
snippet below taken from [1] but I get the following error: "Soprano"
Error in thread "Invalid iterator ID.", and the query slot is never
called. Any idea why? The same query executed in sync mode works fine.


from PyKDE4.nepomuk import Nepomuk
from PyKDE4.soprano import Soprano
from PyQt4.QtCore import *

class AsyncResourceLoadingModel:

     def __init__(self, sparql):
         self.sparql = sparql

     def query(self):
     	query = Soprano.Util.AsyncQuery.executeQuery(model, self.sparql, 
     	QObject.connect( query, SIGNAL("nextReady(Soprano.Util.AsyncQuery* 
) "), self.queryNextReadySlot)

     def queryNextReadySlot(self, query):
     	print "getting next"

if __name__ == "__main__":
	nepomukType = Nepomuk.Types.Class(Soprano.Vocabulary.RDFS.Resource())
	term = Nepomuk.Query.ResourceTypeTerm(nepomukType)
	query = Nepomuk.Query.Query(term)
	sparql = query.toSparqlQuery()
	asyncmodel = AsyncResourceLoadingModel(sparql)



Stéphane Laurière
Mandriva http://mandriva.com

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