[Nepomuk] KRunner opening archives

Pablo pablerkas at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 19:59:41 CEST 2010

Hi there.

First of all thanks for KDE, i love it, i'm planning to get more involved in a 
near future.

Second, sorry for my english.

And third: I use KRunner to open strigi indexed documents. It finds them and it 
kind of opens them, but actually it opens some sort of nepomuk-copy of the 
archive called (for example) f559d971-4307-4000etc so i can't save changes... 
Sometimes I also get an error like:
"That file or folder nepomuk:/res doesn't exist."

I asked on #nepomuk-kde wether that was  intended, a missconfigured option 
hidden somewhere, a bug or my fault and I was told to send here a mail. So 
here it is...

Thanks in advance.



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