[Nepomuk] Strigi Feeder

Sebastian Trüg trueg at kde.org
Wed Jul 14 13:53:01 CEST 2010

On 07/14/2010 01:30 PM, Vishesh Handa wrote:
>         8. You did it again: a static method named "toSparql". Please do
>         not do
>         that. :)
>     But this time I added documentation as to what kind of query it
>     creates. I understand that these kind of function names are bad, but
>     I can't think of any alternative. Could you please suggest some name?

well, you could always put the method in ResourceStruct and then keep
the name. Or you call it resourceStructToSparql or buildResourceQuery

>         As you can see I have no "real" comments since IMHO you did a
>         great job.
>         So please go ahead and commit that (maybe with some changes
>         based on my
>         comments) to trunk. Then testing can commence. :)
>     Are you sure? Just say "Yes' and I'll commit it.


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