[Nepomuk] Threads and nepomuk

Sebastian Trueg trueg at kde.org
Sat Dec 12 17:28:21 CET 2009

I spent quite some time making libnepomuk thread-safe for 4.4. It is
very well possible that I missed a case.
Any chance you could run in gdb and get me a backtrace from the block?

Jamboarder wrote:
> So I'm trying to write to the data store in a separate thread to prevent ui blocking in my main thread.  
> Whenever I try to write to the data store (update/remove a property, add a resource, add/remove a type) it sometimes causes blocking in the main thread.  It's mostly barely noticeable when it's just one or two occasional writes.  But if I have a large number of consecutive writes to do, the main thread occasionally gets blocked.  
> If I remove the lines of code that do the writing - no blocking.  Reading from the data store works perfectly - no blocking of any sort in the main thread.  The main thread has the Nepomuk::ResourceManager::instance()->init() call.  Could this have anything to do with it?
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,
> Andrew (Jamboarder) Lake
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