onKeyDown() for KEYCODE_BACK supressed

BogDan bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 10 17:17:10 UTC 2013

I thought that you just need how to catch back button.
Please upload the patch to https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/dashboard/ and I'll take a look.


>Thank you for your reply. After reading that thread I still cannot understand why onKeyDown() is suppressed. Is there something that won't work if Qt get both keyDown and keyUp for the back button like any other button?
>For instance, the volume keys will be sent to Qt as both onVolumePressed and onVolumeReleased.
>I have a patch ready for going upstream but it depends on getting the onKeyDown event for the back button. I am wondering if my patch breaks something by allowing this signal to pass through?
>> Hi,
>> Check this thread https://groups.google.com/group/android-qt/browse_thread/thread/a5beee9f561ef763/a3fa2791fbf88c37
>> Cheers,
>> BogDan.
>> >
>> >Hello,
>>>> >Looking through the code for QtActivityDelegate.java I find the following rows in the onKeyDown()-method:
>> >if (keyCode != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
>> >QtNative.keyDown(keyCode, c, event.getMetaState());
>>>> >Source: https://qt.gitorious.org/~taipan/qt/android-lighthouse/blobs/beta2/src/android/jar/src/org/kde/necessitas/industrius/QtActivityDelegate.java#line472
>>>>>> >So basically the onKeyDown event for the back button is suppressed from the application. What is the reason for this?
>> >The onKeyUp event is not filtered, only onKeyDown.
>>>> >I am working on an implementation to ease up the back button handling, especially for QML-applications and this filters the event I am interested in.
>>>> >Regards
>> >Micke
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