question about fonts and others

Marek Floriańczyk marek.florianczyk at
Fri May 25 14:09:52 UTC 2012


I've managed to run and compile an application which I use for my home 
management. Originally I used this app on my Nokia N8, but now I created 
similar application and I'm using it on Archos G9 with Android 4.0.3.
App is quite complex (at least for me) it uses lots of QGraphicsItems some 
QWidget based pages, XML, tcp/ip with ssl, animations, etc.

There are some problems, biggest of which is with fonts, for some characters 
(from Polish language, UTF-8 charset) i get only squares 
(attached screenshot).
Probably this is related to:
So I have some question:
- Should I report this bug regardles of the one that is already registered?
- Is it possible to pull sources from somewhere with this issue solved?

There are also some other problems like: 
it seems that event loop freezes sometime, 
not all QWidgets display their QStyleSheets, 
QLineEdit seems to not recognize text length

Should I prepare some examples and post it as a bugs?
I don't have much expierience with Qt,  but ability to write apps for Android 
based tablets is very tempting ;)

And last but not least. Thanks for a great job of porting Qt to Android.

best regards

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