1080p video on Android

Gabi Julien gabi.julien at gmail.com
Mon May 21 20:17:50 UTC 2012

Bad news, this approach won't work on Android 2.3 either. I get an
overlay error because I create a second surface. This makes things
more complicated.

Also, may I ask, what are the headers in plugins/multimedia/android/base?

The current code for the multimedia plugin uses MediaMetadataRetriever
but nothing implements it. I get this error when loading the plugin:

D/dalvikvm( 3395): Trying to load lib
W/System.err( 3395): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot
load library: reloc_library[1285]:   109 cannot locate

Is there an additional library that I can link too? This symbol is not
exposed in the Android system libraries. Or else I can implement
QMediaPlayer::metaData(QtMultimediaKit::MetaData) by calling
MediaMetadataRetriever through JNI. Sad part, MediaMetadataRetriever
is API level 10 only.


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