1080p video on Android

Gabi Julien gabi.julien at gmail.com
Sat May 12 20:18:19 UTC 2012


I have started the MediaPlayer patch for QtMobility. I have attached my
progress so far. This is not complete:
1. Not all QtMobility features are implemented.
2. Mostly untested.
3. Style (especially tabs) are wrong.
4. The usage of android::MediaMetadataRetriever from the previous
implementation does compile the plugin won't load. It might be because the
interface is not longer available in the native libraries of my Android
4.0.3. To test this patch on my Transformer Prime, I commented that part
out. I will probably need to recode this using the JNI too.
5. Video is mandatory.
6. Not sure if it will work on API 4.
7. etc...

Still, for simple 1080p video playback, it works very well on my
Transformer Prime TF201. Before I take more time to polish this code
however, I wanted to know what you guys though of it. I know that OpenMax
is the preferred solution and so I do not want to waste my time if this
turns out to be useless. So, what do you think, should I continue? Any
comments would be more then welcome!

Gabi Julien

P.S. Sorry if I needed to post those patches on the review board.
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