Qt Multimedia status on Android
bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com
Thu May 3 19:12:57 UTC 2012
Hi Harri,
----- Original Message -----
> From: Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com>
> To: necessitas-devel at kde.org
> Cc:
> Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Qt Multimedia status on Android
> Hats off for trying. ;)
> However, I think that for many uses a lower resolution would be enough.
> For symbian people are used to transcoding videos to 640x360. Also
> possibly there is a video format other than H264 that does not use
> YUV420P so decoding that would be faster? Did you look into that?
I didn't look into that direction, because H264 is a must for these days :)
And the people will wonder why qt is not able to play a 720p H264 video
as long as Android's player can play it with no problem.
> Btw. I was also looking into ffmpeg a while ago and noticed that there
> had been a split to libav, which ubuntu uses. I wonder what is the
> difference, is ffmpeg more optimized for ARM?
Yes, ffmpeg seems to be highly optimized for ARM, the decoding on ARMv7
with neon instructions is much faster than decoding on ARMv5 or ARMv7.
AFAIK libav has no stagefright support.
> Just curious,
> Harri
Thanks !
> On 05/03/2012 06:07 PM, BogDan Vatra wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> For a couple of weeks me and a good friend tried to provide basic
>> multimedia for Qt on
>> Android, but sadly we didn't succeed at all, so I'd like to share
> with
>> you our findings.
>> Our first track (and the most important one) was getting ffmpeg or
>> gstream compiled
>> on Android and use it to encode/decode the videos, I was misled by
> MoboPlayer[1]
>> which claimed to use ffmpeg to do the job, so everything seems to good
>> to be true.
>> After a long period of time of hard working, we manage to get ffmpeg
>> compiled on all android
>> supported processors (armv5, armv7 and armv7 with neon) [2], and to
>> create a simple video
>> player on top of ffmpeg, then we've discovered that arm processors are
>> not fast enough to
>> decode H264 frames, my HTC Desire HD phone (with a 1Ghz processor) was
>> not able to
>> decode a 720p frame in less than 90ms (using amrv7+neon), 150ms using
>> armv7 (without
>> neon) and 300ms using armv5 which is not enough to have a realtime
>> decoding.Even worse
>> after the decoding is finished the image still needs to be converted
>> from YUV420P to RGB,
>> this operations takes ages ! On my phone it takes from 300ms to 600ms
>> ! So, what we've
>> done wrong and why MoboPlayer is so damn fast? After I recover from
>> that shock I started to
>> investigate why MoboPlayer is that fast, soon I've discover that
>> MoboPlayer is cheating
>> big time! They are not using ffmpeg to decode the video ! They are
>> using Android's media
>> player for this job and they are using ffmpeg ONLY to get the
>> subtitles and to play other
>> formats which are not supported by Android. This discovery was a
>> disaster for me, because I
>> could not believe my eyes, I begin to search for another player which
>> is open source and
>> which I can check what is doing under the hood, I found Dolphin Player
>> [3][4], after I install it
>> my fears came true, the player was not able to play in realtime none
>> of my videos recorder
>> with my phone ! I dig deeper intro ffmpeg sources than I found that
>> they can use Android
>> stagefright[5] library to decode H264 frames, sadly this library can
>> not be used on all Android
>> devices and it only decodes to a YUV420P image, so we still need to
>> convert it to RGB.
>> After I recovered from that heart attack I begin to investigate how
>> the hell Android is doing it that
>> fast, and if I can cheat OpenMAX to render into a buffer which I can
>> read it instead to render into
>> an Android surface. After I check almost all OpenMAX implementation I
>> found that it is possible
>> to send a SurfaceTextureClient[7]object to OpenMAX[6]. Again it seemed
>> to be too easy and too
>> good to be true, the same technique could be used also for camera
>> preview, even it needed non-public
>> APIs to be used in order to get it working (by the end of this year
>> all major Android vendors will have
>> upgrades to 4.x)!
>> Basically what I needed to do was just to implement ISurfaceTexture
>> interface[8] and to read the image.
>> The Image should contain one of these PixelFormat[9] image. Of course
>> nothing is that easy as it sounds,
>> and again it was a dead end, because Android is using *NONE* of these
>> pixel formats [10] !
>> For the name of God why somebody uses an unknown (useless) pixel
>> format ? So, I started to dig
>> deeper and deeper, and after a long and painful period of time, I
>> think I found the answer:
>> These images uses some "special" [11] pixel formats which are
> hardware
>> vendor specific, these images
>> can be pushed to the video card and the video card converts them very
>> very fast into a gl texture, practically
>> Android uses this textures to draw the frames onto a Surface, is
>> similar with this[12] test example. Now
>> the problem is how to use this texture in Qt? In order to display it
>> into a Qt 4.x application we need somehow
>> to get the pixels, we can use it to fill a FBO and read the pixels
>> using glReadPixels, but glReadPixels
>> is way too slow, or we can use it to fill a PBO which is a little bit
>> faster but not enough, actually is not
>> even close to what we need for a realtime video play !
>> So whats next ? Sadly I have no idea how to create a realtime video
>> recoder/player on Android using
>> Qt 4.x ! So if nobody comes with another idea, I'm going to remove
>> multimedia plugin from alpha4 release.
>> It seems Qt 5.x will be able to use the texture directly [13] but I'm
>> not very sure !
>> Alpha4 is the last release were it comes with new features for Qt 4.x
>> after this release next releases
>> which will target Qt 4.x will contain only bugfixes. After we'll ship
>> alpha4 I'll focus on getting Qt 5 ported.
>> Cheers,
>> BogDan.
>> [1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.clov4r.android.nil
>> [2] https://gitorious.org/android-ffmpeg/android-ffmpeg
>> [3] http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-player/
>> [4] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.broov.player
>> [5]
> https://gitorious.org/android-ffmpeg/android-ffmpeg/blobs/master/libavcodec/libstagefright.cpp
>> [6]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/system/media/wilhelm/src/android/MediaPlayer_to_android.cpp#android_Player_setNativeWindow
>> [7]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/frameworks/base/include/gui/SurfaceTextureClient.h
>> [8]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/frameworks/base/include/gui/ISurfaceTexture.h
>> [9]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/frameworks/base/include/ui/PixelFormat.h#63
>> [10]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/system/core/include/system/graphics.h#43
>> [11]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/system/core/include/system/graphics.h#54
>> [12]
> http://androidxref.com/source/xref/frameworks/base/opengl/tests/gl2_yuvtex/gl2_yuvtex.cpp
>> [13] http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-5-Alpha
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