Building necessitas alpha4

Peter Saunderson peteasa at
Wed Aug 29 15:14:36 UTC 2012


I am building from source and plan to run on an android 4.1.1.  I am 
using Ubuntu 64bit machine for the build and am using android-ndk-r8b.

I find errors such as
undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

that are fixed by adding to the .pro file
QMAKE_LIBS += -lgnustl_shared

because in android the shared library file is named 
"" instead of "" as on other platforms 

I tried to make this change in mkspecs/android-g++/qmake.conf but had 
other errors.  Is there a construct that I can use in the .pro files 
such as
neon:*-g++* { ... }
that will make this change for just android builds of Qt? Is there a 
better way to fix this linker problem in necessitas?



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