More patches

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Thu Sep 15 09:22:03 UTC 2011


>>  I need your help to understand source mapping mechanism, now it seem you
>>  can't set its values from within sdk installer because it uses local 
> users
>>  settings and AFAIK the SDK installer can't set those settings, the 
> problem
>>  is we need (and use) those settings with Necessitas SDK, we ship the libs
>>  compile also with debug information, so, the user only needs to install qt
>>  sources and it can step into qt sources, it help a lot us because qt for
>>  android is not very stable. Should I/you rewrite that part ?
> First thing: The Nokia Qt SDK does not ship debug symbols for qt, as such in 
> the Nokia Qt SDK, you can't actually see the qt sources. (Don't ask me 
> why.)

:) I'll try to give you an answer: Before source mapping feature it was useless to 
ship SDK with debug info because it was impossible to step into Qt sources,
but now things are changed, so, IMHO SDK department should know QtCreator
has this nice feature implemented (also I can confirm it is working, Necessitas SDK
is using it for a while), and it will be nice SDK installer to use it :)

> There is code in Creator which should help setting that up.
> 1.) The Debugger plugin reads a source mapping from the settings in
> GlobalDebuggerOptions::fromSettings()
> 2.) Those settings can come from the SystemScope
> 3.) The SystemScope .ini file is actually in $QTCCREATOR/share/
> see line 238 in src/app/main.cpp
> So the Android installer should write a qtcreator.ini in share/ with the right 
> settings format. And then it should work. :)

I'm familiar with that code, but I've seen you don't use SystemScope at all 
in QtCreator, and you choose to use xml files for System wide settings 
(bool QtVersionManager::restoreQtVersions(), 
void ToolChainManager::restoreToolChains(const QString &fileName, bool autoDetected), 
etc.), to be honest, this was the reason who "forced" me change androidconfigurations :),
so, should I use .xml or SystemScope ?

> daniel


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