Support for extra libraries in APK in Android QT Creator -- Change in name

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Tue Jun 21 16:14:51 CEST 2011

Hi Carlos,

I pushed my modifications [1] please continue with your changes. Also, please make a test for me before pushing your changes, try to put some "external" android libs to libs/armeabi and try to load them from an armv7 device which has its "application" library into libs/armeabi-v7a, it should work but please double check.




>I'm close to re-submit the merge request. Any ideas on the new name?
What about "Other required libraries"  or "custom external libraries"
>I'm easy with any name....
>On 06/18/2011 01:26 PM, frameworks at wrote: 
>>I have no problem with changing the name, nor with any changes in its
implementation. Any suggestions  and comments are welcomed.
>>On 06/18/2011 09:43 AM, Robert Schuster wrote: 
>>Hi, if additional libraries are to bundled with the main APK I'd vote for calling them likes this: bundled libraries 'Extra' just sounds so super generic that it could mean anything. I'd like to point out that at the QCS people asked about out-of-the-box support for certain KDE libraries. Although we do not intend to work on it now, it should be noted that for Ministro it does not matter what kind of libraries it loads. So if we consider the Qt stuff the core then everything else (like KDE libs) is 'extra'. As such using that term for custom bundled libraries does not seem wise to me. Regards, Robert Am 16.06.2011 09:03, schrieb Frameworks: 
>>>Dear Bogdan, I just send a merge request for the changes in creator that add support  for extra libraries in the APK. Here are the details: Add in support for extra libraries. This merge request mainly focuses on the modification to Android QT  Creator to include support for extra deploy libraries in the APK. As  described in the modified UI, “Extra libraries are other libraries that  are required by this application but not part of this project.” The changes in Creator does not automatically affect current Necessitas  projects. If the user want to include an extra library Creator will ask  to upgrade it project to support it. The process of upgrading will: 1. Check if its possible. Users will be able to upgrade if their version  of Android LightHouse supports extra libraries i.e., if the version of  libs.xml in LightHouse has the array name extra_libs. 2. Upgrade the project's ibs.xml to add the array name extra_libs. 3. Upgrade
 the projects manifest to include the resource of extra_libs. 4. Copy the class files from LightHouse to the project (Industrius and  mobile). This because the version in LightHouse has the modifications to  load the extra libraries. All files are copied to be sure that previous  class files in the project does not conflict with current class files. 5. Leave a backup of libs.xml, class files and the manifest in the  project directory. Those files will include “._old” in their extension This set of changes also fixes two bugs in Creator: 1- Checked bundled libraries get unchecked just before the APK is build.  (Line 133 in androidpackage creationstep.cpp) 2- Bundled libraries have the format when it should be the  undecorated version of them e.g., Mylib (Line 904 in qt4androidtarget.cpp) This merge request also comes with a merge of few changes in  qlands-AndroidLighthouse to support extra libraries in the apk. Regards,
 Carlos Quiros PD I am also working on assets support in Creator and the necessary changes  in QT using JNI. I could send you something very soon if you fancy. _______________________________________________ Necessitas-devel mailing list Necessitas-devel at
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